Resources & Blog
Grant Resources & Blog
Queen Tribe Ventures will help you provide a pathway to access capital and funding for Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide.
In this section you will find an updated database of financial resources, such as institutional & international grants, procurement opportunities, microlending & crowdfunding platforms, as well as private venture capital & equity groups.
To find out more about Grant Deadlines or Workshops subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
What is a Grant?
A grant is typically a financial award given by a company, foundation or a government entity to a person or a company to fund an idea or project to provide public services and stimulate the economy.

Grant Resources:
Federal Grants:
California Grants:
California Grants:
Grant Resources:
Federal Grants:
California Grants:
California Grants:
What is a Grant?
A grant is typically a financial award given by a company, foundation or a government entity to a person or a company to fund an idea or project to provide public services and stimulate the economy.

What is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a way to raise funds to launch a product or service or to grow a business through the support of individuals who typically contribute through an online platform. A crowdfunding campaign usually has a specified goal amount and a date set to reach the goal.

Queen Tribe Ventures Blog
If you want to contribute to our monthly blog with your experiences as a Grantee or with opportunities for this community please fill the contact form and we will feature your article in our website for free.