In today’s world, women entrepreneurs are a significant part of the global economy. However, one of the major challenges faced by women entrepreneurs is access to funding. According to EdelGive Foundation, around 64% of women entrepreneurs start their businesses out of necessity and financial circumstances of their families.

Statistics reflect positive news for women-owned businesses:
· On average, women-owned companies grow by 84%, compared to male-led companies, which grow at a rate of 78%.
· Private tech companies led by women achieve 35% higher return on investment than similar companies led by male CEOs.
· In the next five years, women’s global income is forecasted to grow from $13 trillion to $18 trillion.

In spite of this positive news regarding women-owned businesses, we continue to see the disparity of funding and access to capital of women entrepreneurs:
· Only 23.8% of women receive funding compared to 33.9% of male entrepreneurs.
· Women receive only 7% of venture capital funds for their startups.
· Only 25% of women ask for business financing, and when they do, they ask for $35,000 less on average than men do.
· Overall, men receive an average loan size of $43,916 while women receive an average loan size of $38,942.

The staggering disconnect between the success of women-led businesses and the lack of access to capital and funding may be due to unique factors such as lack of role models and mentors, unequal access to stakeholders and decision makers, and limited educational opportunities targeting women entrepreneurs.

This is why the launch of Queen Tribe Ventures, a project aimed at helping women entrepreneurs access grant opportunities, is a significant milestone. The vision behind this project is to identify the needs of women entrepreneurs worldwide and equip them with robust tools that will enable them to access capital and financing opportunities on a regional and international level.

Launching this project through a grant is a first-hand testament that access to funding is available only if you are armed with the right tools and resources. With Queen Tribe Ventures, women entrepreneurs will have access to a wide range of resources and tools that will help them navigate the complex world of grant opportunities and financing.

One of the key features of Queen Tribe Ventures is to provide a platform to connect women entrepreneurs all over the world to potential funders, advisors and partners. We want to help women entrepreneurs all over the world unlock the full potential of their business, thereby increasing access to public and private capital and funding opportunities.

By launching Queen Tribe Ventures, the team behind the project is taking a bold step towards empowering women entrepreneurs. This project is a reminder that access to funding should not be limited to a select few, but should be accessible to all those who have the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, the launch of Queen Tribe Ventures is a significant milestone to connect with other women entrepreneurs all over the world and share their experiences through virtual and in person networking events that can help gather the resources they need to succeed.

QTV Founders